The War on Fatness
Justice in the anti-fat age
Listen on our podcast here.
Is a social, political, economic, and cultural war being waged on fat bodies? FFJ editor, Zoë, brings you a discussion about the war on “obesity”, its roots, its manifestations in the food movement, and fat food justice in the future.
Dying For Sardines
Gender and food politics in occupied Paris
Listen on our podcast here.
Paris, 1942. A group of women storm a grocery store on the Rue de Buci to seize the sardines on sale that day and distribute them to a hungry crowd. A scuffle ensues, shots ring out — and at the end, two policemen are dead. Today, the Rue de Buci event is remembered as an act of women’s resistance during wartime. But is that all there is to it?
In this episode of Feminist Food Stories, FFJ editor Isabela sits down with Paula Schwarz, the Lois B. Watson Professor Emerita of French & Francophone Studies at Middlebury College and author of Today Sardines Are Not For Sale: A Street Protest in Occupied Paris, to discuss the intersections of wartime food politics and gender, and why and how resistance is remembered in different ways.